Pacific Coast Jet

The Discover Dominica Authority has recently made an exciting announcement that is set to revolutionize the travel experience for visitors to the island. In a significant move to enhance air connectivity, the Authority has unveiled new and expanded air travel services to Dominica, thanks to the collaborative efforts of WINAIR and American Airlines. This development promises to offer travelers greater flexibility and convenience, marking a milestone in Dominica’s tourism and travel industry.

WINAIR has launched flights between Dominica and Martinique, providing a direct link that has not been available for over a decade. These flights operate on Wednesdays and Sundays, departing from Martinique at 6:15 pm and arriving in Dominica by 7:00 pm. The return flights from Dominica to Martinique take off on Thursdays and Mondays at 7:30 am, reaching their destination at 8:15 am. This schedule is tailored to cater to those seeking direct access between the two islands and also facilitates connections to major international destinations such as Paris, Miami, and Toronto.

American Airlines is also contributing to this enhanced service by adding an additional Saturday flight to their recently announced daily winter service between Dominica and Miami. Starting from December 7, 2024, through March 31, 2025, the new flight will depart from Miami at 10:05 am and arrive in Dominica at 2:25 pm. This second Saturday flight during the peak winter season complements the daily flights, providing more options for travelers keen to explore Dominica’s natural beauty and warm hospitality.

The Honorable Denise Charles-Pemberton, Minister for Tourism, expressed her enthusiasm for the impact of these enhancements. She highlighted that the introduction of WINAIR’s direct flights and American Airlines’ additional Saturday service signifies a united effort to pave a thriving future for Dominica. These new air links are expected to create broader pathways for tourism, boost the economy, and foster cultural connections.

This advancement in air travel services is not just about improving accessibility; it represents a commitment to economic growth and social development. It opens new opportunities for international tourism and business ventures, inviting the world to discover why Dominica is known as the Nature Island of the Caribbean.

For those looking to experience the extraordinary beauty, vibrant culture, and outstanding hospitality of Dominica, these new air travel options are a gateway to adventure. Whether you’re planning a relaxing getaway or an exciting exploration, Dominica’s enhanced air connectivity is ready to welcome you to its shores.

1. Morne Trois Pitons National Park:

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this park is an emerald paradise for nature enthusiasts. Hike through lush rainforests to discover the world’s second-largest boiling lake, enchanting waterfalls like Trafalgar Falls and Middleham Falls, and the serene Emerald Pool.

2. Champagne Beach:

Dive into the effervescent waters of Champagne Beach, where geothermal springs bubble beneath the ocean’s surface, creating a natural Jacuzzi. Snorkelers and divers can revel in the underwater spectacle of vibrant marine life and coral formations.

3. Roseau:

The charming capital city is a blend of colonial architecture, bustling markets, and botanical gardens. Don’t miss the Dominica Museum and the Old Market Square to soak in the local history and culture.

4. Cabrits National Park:

Explore the historical Fort Shirley, a restored garrison offering panoramic views of Prince Rupert Bay. The park also features hiking trails through tropical forests and along the dramatic coastline.

5. Kalinago Territory:

Step back in time in the Kalinago Territory, where the indigenous Kalinago people share their traditions, crafts, and way of life with visitors. It’s a unique opportunity to learn about the island’s original inhabitants.

6. Scotts Head:

A picturesque village located on a peninsula; Scotts Head offers breathtaking views of where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. It’s also a popular spot for snorkeling and diving, with an abundance of sea life to discover.

7. Papillote Tropical Gardens:

Immerse yourself in the beauty of these lush gardens, home to a diverse collection of tropical plants, birds, and natural hot springs. It’s a perfect place for relaxation and nature photography.

8. Boiling Lake:

For the adventurous, a challenging hike to Boiling Lake is a must. This fumarole is one of the island’s most famous attractions, set amidst the stunning backdrop of the Morne Trois Pitons National Park.

9. Victoria Falls:

Hidden within the rainforest, Victoria Falls is fed by the White River and cascades into a warm mineral-rich pool. The hike to the falls is as rewarding as the destination itself.

10. Dominica’s Festivals:

Experience the island’s vibrant culture by participating in its festivals. From the colorful Carnival celebrations to the World Creole Music Festival, Dominica’s festivals are a feast for the senses.

Dominica is a safe and welcoming destination that will enchant you with its natural wonders and charm. Whether you’re seeking tranquility or adventure, Dominica’s must-visit places offer something for every traveler. Plan your journey and prepare to be captivated by the island’s allure.

Photo by Nario Esprit

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