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The Bahamas has recently been distinguished with the Caribbean Destination Resilience Award by the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), a recognition that celebrates the nation’s unwavering commitment to sustainability and resilience in tourism. This prestigious accolade aligns with the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), underscoring The Bahamas’ dedication to fostering sustainable development and addressing climate change within the tourism sector.

The Caribbean Destination Resilience Award is bestowed upon destinations that demonstrate a focused approach to resiliency, particularly through innovative strategies and collaborative efforts involving both public and private sector stakeholders. The Bahamas’ exemplary initiatives have set a benchmark in the region, showcasing the nation’s strategic use of collaborative partnerships to facilitate reconstruction and emphasize the preservation of its natural and cultural heritage, especially in the Abacos post-Hurricane Dorian.

The Bahamas competed in Category A, for destinations with over 500,000 annual stopover visitors, and the judging criteria encompassed five main themes: Commitments to Partnership and Collaboration, Sustainable/Resiliency Related Activities, Innovation and Technology, Linkages and External Engagement, and Contribution of Initiatives to Tourism. The winning submission highlighted the resilience of the Abacos, showcasing how the region’s strategic use of collaborative partnerships not only facilitated reconstruction but also emphasized the importance of preserving its environment and uplifting local communities.

The Honourable I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments & Aviation for The Bahamas, expressed his gratitude for the award, attributing the success to the many public and private entities that have worked in partnership to prioritize sustainable tourism and preserve the area as a travel destination with a promising future. From mangrove restoration to energy conservation, and the promotion of community-based tourism activities that celebrate the islands, the Abacos are a testament to the power of collaboration in addressing the critical issues of our time.

Organizations such as The Abacos Stewardship Council, Friends of the Environment, and the Bahamas National Trust have worked alongside NGOs and other community organizations to collectively address a number of issues across the destination, including sustainable reconstruction, environmental restoration, and community empowerment. These collective efforts have not only contributed to the region’s recovery but have also ensured that visitors have memorable experiences that honor the environment and support local communities.

The recognition of The Bahamas with the Caribbean Destination Resilience Award is a testament to the nation’s resilience and innovation in the face of adversity. It serves as an inspiration for other destinations to follow suit in their pursuit of sustainable and resilient tourism practices, ensuring a vibrant future for the Caribbean region as a whole. The Bahamas’ achievement is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that through unity and dedicated effort, a destination can not only recover but thrive, setting new standards for sustainability and resilience in the tourism industry.

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