Pacific Coast Jet

We’re not sure if this fall under the category of fun, but it’s certainly an adventure. Will you accept the challenge? Portugal just opened the world’s longest suspension bridge in the town of Arcoua. It measures 1,692 feet long and 574 feet above the Pavia River.

Arcoua is about an hour south of Porto in the Arouca Geopark, an area know for its nature and outdoor tourism activities. We took a look at their website and must admit, it doesn’t appear to be for the faint of heart, a sentiment expressed on the site.

The Pavia River is known for whitewater rafting and kayaking. Nearby are the Pavia Walkways, a wooden path that winds through five miles of natural landscape.

As a point of comparison, the longest suspension bridge in the United States is the Gatlinburg SkyBridge. Located in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, a mere 680 feet long.

So for you adventurous types, when Portugal reopens you now have a place to test your mettle.

Here’s a little YouTube video courtesy of The Guardian to whet your appetite.

Check Out Our Previous Podcast on Portugal

Portugal Life – How One Expat Fell inLove
