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The series began in August 2019 and boasts over 4.6 million combined views on Facebook and YouTube to date

The team behind Jamaicans to the World is pleased to announce that the show has recently celebrated its 100th episode milestone.

Created and hosted by Xavier Murphy, founder of the platform, Jamaicans to the World is a popular docuseries that began in August 2019 and explores the experiences of expatriate Jamaicans in a different country each week. The show is conducted in an interview style format and starts by asking each guest, “What is it like to live ‘there’ as a Jamaican?” Through these personal interviews, other Jamaicans who are considering similar moves can benefit from the experiences of those who have gone before them. The information included in the interviews is also useful for those planning a visit overseas, as the Jamaicans interviewed generously share their recommendations about the best foods to sample and not-to-be-missed sites to see.

In the show’s most recent news, Jamaicans to the World has reached an exciting milestone – 100 episodes. This remarkable achievement speaks to the popularity of the show, which boasts over 4.6 million views combined on Facebook and YouTube to date.

“We believe our docuseries is so popular because the interviews do not shy away from addressing more serious matters, such as racism, perceptions of Jamaicans overseas, and the challenges of moving to a country with an unfamiliar culture,” says Murphy. “The expatriate Jamaicans also discuss the cost of living in their new countries and offer tips about the best ways to adjust to an unfamiliar environment.”

To commemorate the 100th episode, and 100th country, Murphy has recorded a special recap video, 9 Things I Have Learned from Jamaicans to the World, in which he shares some of what he’s learned from his conversations with Jamaicans living in 100 different countries around the world.

“What I discovered is that Jamaicans are truly global thinkers who believe the world is theirs to explore and discover,” Murphy states. “Jamaicans are confident, and everywhere they go, they seem to “just bubble to the top.” Given the opportunity, they will start businesses, move into great management positions, and succeed. Jamaicans are adaptable and resourceful, no matter what the climate or the cultural conditions, they just adapt, adjust, and do what they must do to live in their new country. Jamaicans not only adapt, but they enjoy exploring new cultures; they are not afraid to step out and explore new foods and new experiences.”

“In fact, having a Jamaican passport is almost like having a “royal” passport,” Murphy continues. “They get free things and “royal treatment” and even take their food with them; some try to plant ackee or mango trees to see if they will grow in the new country. They also share the music and food of Jamaica with friends and family in the new country.”

Another thing Murphy also found is that people from Clarendon parish in Jamaica seem to be very adventurous, as the majority of people he interviewed have come from Clarendon. Not only that, but Jamaican expatriates were well-traveled before they made their move into a new country, and the understanding and experience they had before the move seem to help them adjust.

“Jamaicans love to travel, but when asked what they miss most, nearly all the interviewees say Jamaican patties and Jamaican KFC,” Murphy shares. “There is nothing like a Jamaican patty, they say, and nothing like Jamaican KFC. Jamaicans want to make connections with other Jamaicans around the world, and they ask me if I can connect them with someone when they travel abroad. Some even want to connect with those interviewed in the series. People always feel more comfortable traveling overseas if they can ‘link with another yardie and find out how things are.’”

Murphy is humbled and honored to have hosted the series and is looking forward to the next 100 episodes.

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