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The Seven Sisters Waterfalls in Grenada are a group of seven cascading waterfalls located in the Grand Etang Forest Reserve. If you are visiting Grenada, then the Seven Sisters Waterfall can be one of the top tourist hotspots to explore. These waterfalls are a natural masterpiece and are considered to be one of the most picturesque spots in Grenada. Each of the seven waterfalls provides a different opportunity for relaxation, swimming or cliff jumping. In fact, the largest waterfall can drop down from as high as 67 feet.

The journey to the Seven Sisters Waterfalls requires a 20-30 minute hike through the lush rainforest. It’s advisable to carry comfortable shoes and clothes along with bug spray to keep the mosquitoes at bay. The hiking trail is reasonably challenging and takes you through the glorious tropical rainforest with a fantastic elevation.

As you hike through the jungle, there are plenty of resting stops where you can catch your breath and enjoy the view. The sounds and scents of the forest go deep into your soul and make your experience all the more enriching. There’s even the chance to spot an array of wildlife animals such as monkeys, tropical birds and unique flora species.

Once you’ve navigated the trail, you will reach the magnificent Seven Sisters Waterfalls. Each waterfall has its pool to swim and plunge in to cool down after the long hike. The uppermost waterfall pool is easily the biggest, and visitors can jump into the water from various heights or even dive down into the pool.

The Seven Sisters Waterfalls is not only a popular tourist destination but a well-functioning ecosystem that flows all year round. It is the major source of freshwater for the surrounding villages and is a significant source of life for the numerous plants and animals in the region.

Certainly, It is a must-visit destination while in Grenada. The beauty of the waterfalls in addition to the surrounding lush forests provides a sense of tranquility, making it one of the best natural habitats around. You need not to be an expert swimmer or a seasoned hiker to enjoy these waterfalls, everyone is welcome to explore, and there are activities suitable for all ages.

