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Have you ever thought about a vacation to Rwanda? If not, you should start making those plans now. Why, you might ask. It’s a country of immense natural beauty and spectacular wildlife. Rwanda is one of the top 10 safest countries in the world and boasts an outstanding high tech corridor that keeps you connected with the world during your stay. Our guest, internationally recognized travel expert Katherine Parker Magyar recently returned from the “Heart of Africa” and loved every minute of her journey to the country of 1,000 hills.

Photo by maxime niyomwungeri on Unsplash

Listen as we discuss everything from her visit with the gorillas (one even brushed her leg as it passed by), to chimpanzees, her visit to the newly-opened Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Funda trip to Lake Kivu and her stay in the capital city of Kigali, one of the most beautiful and cleanest cities in the world. Katherine could not stop talking about the wonderful and gracious people of Rwanda. It’s an episode well worth your time.

To learn more about Rwanda start HERE on the Visit Rwanda website. For more about Katherine’s adventure and places she visited read her Rwanda Destination Guide.

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